Monday, May 26, 2008

Ohh Baby - Day 4 to 6 much for that hey? Today is attempt at catch up - yet again!

When I saw the books by Ian Falconer named Olivia, about a colorful little pig I knew they would be a hit in our house. Not only does the feature character have the same name as Liv but the illustration and the stories are delightful! I only wish I could find more! My only fear is that Liv will think she is a pig...I know I know, silly momma!

You can check out the range of Olivia books here.

I had bought these slippers by Padraig for Liv in baby size and had comments on them everywhere. They were great as they stayed on her feet. They were warm for winter and cool for spring. They even wash up great! I need to go purchase the next size up!

They are all natural and Canadian made! How can you go wrong!

And finally to bring todays post to an end The Angel Brush. I have actually bought about 4 of these! They are great for teething and for ofcourse for brushing your infants teeth and gums. They are soft and rubbery and easy for little ones to handle. And you can freeze it for when they are teething.

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