Friday, January 23, 2009

Love in Color

I came across the work of Jennifer Ramos of Mady by Girl a while ago and have fallen in love with her style and typographic work. I hope she doesn't mind I borrowed a pic from her site to show you all some eye candy. I totally can see any of her prints in my home. Check out her blog...she provides more than just what she is working on. She discusses design in all aspects and what she is inspired by. I love checking to see what is new and get inspired.


I have started to think its time for me to be more grateful. Its too easy to fall into the hum drum of everyday life and let the little things get in the way of true happiness. It can be easy to miss those glimmers of silver lining, I know I miss them all to often. I hope this year I see them more and by keeping a gratitude log I will recognize those moments I easily miss and sometimes discard.

I am so grateful for:
1. Family - amazing people you are. You are my rock.
2. My Daughter - one of a kind. The most gentle and lovable person ever. I hope to enjoy and treasure every moment with you my beautiful girl.
3. My Husband - I hope we continue to grow together and learn to laugh more.
4. Friends - no explanation needed :)
5. My Home - its may be little but its a good home.
6. Creative Inspiration - all the blogs and sites that give me a visual boost on daily basis.
7. Cars - safe and warm transportation.
8. Sunshine - light and warmth to our world. Could you imagine a dark world? I don't want to.
9. Pets - patient and loving. Always a companion.
10. Chocolate - a little literal sugar in a already sweet life.

What are you grateful for? This makes me realize how lucky I am.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Well here we are with a new year and I look back and feel sad. I so neglected this blog its not even fair. I have decided that this year is my year... and I am putting forth many new resolutions. I plan to put myself first for a very long time. I have started to work on my eating habits and exercise again. My other focus is to get back to blogging. I do feel intimidated at times because there are so many great bloggers out there but... this blog is for me and for Liv, so my goal it to write if not every other day then once a week. So much happens in our little world and I dont want to forget any of it.